Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another Day, Another Dollar or Two

Ten hours on my copywriting job today! I just made the required minimum hours for the pay period. Whew! That's what I get for letting MK enjoy three days of sledding this week. Oh, well. She had a blast, so whatever. The schedule I should be following was not adhered to very well this week. I need to be getting in more than the minimum required hours each week. It is amazing how I can never seem to accomplish that. It is a job. I used to work jobs out of the home for 8 hrs a day. Working in the home should be the same. Life gets in the way and other people do not understand that working at home is WORK! People do not treat it with the same respect. People do not understand that working in the home is the source of income to sustain the home and everything that goes into it.

Tomorrow (which is actually today) will be for homework and other work. I also have a few pages of MK's math to check over. She just finished her current level of Singapore Math, so I need to get the next level. She is enjoying this method, so I'll stick with it. I think the decision to backtrack and give her extra practice on the early skills was a good one. She is getting it better this time.

Though MK still has not memorized all her math facts, she does understand them and how they work. Not memorizing the math facts has nothing to do with the curriculum; it is her attitude. She is still working very hard at trying to find a career that requires no math, and how to live her life without math.

It is after midnight. I'm so cold I'm shaking. My fingers are like ice. I am so tired of being cold, but I do think keeping the thermostat below 60 is helping to keep the heat bills down -- at least I hope so. I haven't received the most current bill yet, but I did manage to keep it below $200 last month. My daughter's bill was over $300. I hope this doesn't happen for me. I do crank up the heat during piano students' lesson times; those ivories get very cold! We did see a robin on Friday. Hopefully spring weather is soon to follow.

Time to tuck myself into my big warm blanket and afghan for the night (morning).

Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, despite K & G's efforts, I did manage to get stuck in snow three times today. The driveway was so nice and clear and I am so, so, so grateful! As soon as I hit the alley as I backed the car out of the driveway -- STUCK! Hot rubber smells horrible, by the way. R came with his 4-wheel drive Suburban and a big chain and pulled my car most of the way out of the alley.

Next, I was stuck at the corner just south of R's shop. I would have been fine, but another driver crowded me into the deeper snow where the snowplow left a lovely pile. Thanks, whomever you were. R to the rescue again!

I was nearly stuck on two corners of side streets in the south end of town, but I managed to slide out of them.

Lastly, at the end of the day, I was stuck in the alley just outside my driveway again. More burned rubber, but I finally got in the driveway and missed the neighbors brick garage by an inch or two. I had sent MK up to the house to get our shovels, but I kept rocking and spinning, rocking and spinning and though I was grumbling not-so-nice words to myself, I had to laugh. She was near the gate cheering me on. Her enthusiasm and spirit would have pulled the Colts back into a winning season!

MK had the opportunity to go sledding once more. The hill had most of the snow worn off, but she was able to go down an area that hadn't been used as much. Since it wasn't as cold and the snow wasn't as deep, I was able to walk part of the way up the hill to take photographs. Then the camera batteries died, so I had to go back to the truck for new batteries. By the time I was able to get back to take more pictures, they were about ready to leave. I like the closer pictures. I took one as MK was headed right toward me. (I got out of the way just in time!) The close-up pictures are really neat. (Yeah, I said neat. I am a product of being a teenager in the 70's. Peace, man.) The sun was out and the colors are more vibrant.

We helped Mr. T. a little today. He had a shipment of about four pallets of store goods. We brought all the boxes in, unpacked some, and put stock away. We will go back tomorrow and finish the rest. He worries me so much. He is so feeble and barely able to walk. He has fallen many times and I don't know how he manages in this snow. R pulls Mr. T's car up to his back door and keeps his walkway shoveled in an effort to make it as safe as possible.

Tomorrow, there will be no sledding. That is good. It is the last day of my pay period and I must put in as many hours as possible. I love having a job that I can do at any hour of the day or night; I love that I can work in my pajamas if I want to (and DO often!). However, it is hard to be disciplined when you have an active 8-year-old, other jobs, homeschooling, college, and life in general. Procrastination is my hobby. Complaining is my forte'. House payments (and all other bills) are my motivation. No matter how motivated I get, it seems there isn't enough reward ($) to go around.

Time to get motivated. I can earn a little more reward before I give up for the night.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Everywhere

We got about 11 inches of snow here, so MK has had her wish and she has been sledding two days in a row now. She said she prayed really hard for enough snow for sledding. I told her to pray a little less next time. We could be in for a blizzard around Monday if the wind is just right. Hopefully it will stay far to the East of us.

I managed to shovel the front steps and walk, the back walk to the car, then get the snow off the car. The driveway and alley were ridiculous and not promising for getting the car out any time soon. My back, shoulders and arms were aching, my feet and hands were freezing and wet, so I decided to give it up and wait for spring (actually, just for some melt-off). While I was teaching piano to two siblings, their parents slipped around back and shoveled the snow from behind my car and drove their 4-wheel drive truck up and down the alley to pack the snow down enough for me to be able to get out. They were worried about my being able to get out in an emergency. What thoughtful people they are. I sure appreciate it. Ha, ha, it's kind of funny, too. I used to be the young girl who went out and shoveled walks for elderly and pushed cars that were stuck in the snow. Now, I'm turning into the elderly. I used to be able to work circles around anybody; not so much anymore.

With being out with MK the past two days sledding (she did the sledding -- I took pictures), I am behind schedule on my work, so I have a lot of hours to make up. I'm also trying to get off to a good start with my classes this semester, and so far have one started. I am reading Frankenstein. YUK. I feel like I did as a kid in school reading required books. I do, however, get to pick the titles, but I have to stay within the required genres. The instructor recommended Frankenstein for the horror genre, so be it. I never read horror books, nor do I watch horror movies. I'm doing it first to get it over with. MK offered to help me and let me read her Frankenstein -- but it was a Bugs Bunny Frankenstein or some such thing. I don't think the Professor would be impressed if I did a paper on that version. :-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Yesterday was my return at St. Mary's. I also met with a WED advisor to see how close I am to graduation. At first I was told by my regular (major-related) advisor that I will graduate in the spring of 2010. But, when I met with the WED advisor and she did an audit of my transcript, she informed me that three of the courses I completed do not qualify for my electives unless I get it in writing from my other advisor that they may be substituted for level 300 or above. I have emailed him and requested it in writing. If I have to take three extra classes, that is a waste of $2,700 plus another $2,7000 on top of that!

Also, she said I will still be missing two other classes. So, no spring graduation for me. If everything goes well, I should be graduating in December of 2010. One extra semester. I was so sad when I left there, but I am glad it is only a semester's delay and not an entire year.

Other than that, it was a pretty good day. I already have the book for the computer class, so I didn't have to spend over $100 for that one. The other two classes don't require a textbook, though I can use one which I already have for reference. Literature class requires the reading of six novels. The good ol' public library can provide those for free. So, much money saved on textbooks. This is the first semester without laying out money for books.

MK and I ate at the college and she loved that. She always wants to do that when we go to my returns, but they aren't always open at the particular times we are there. They were this time and it was a fun treat for her. There was a little snow on the ground and it was cold, but not severely cold, so it wasn't too bad running around campus all morning.

Today is supposed to be the start of my new schedule since my new semester is started. I'm off by a few hours, but hope to do better tomorrow. The hard part of keeping to a schedule is all the incidental things that come along each day; also, the fact that MK wants so much attention all the time. We can do things together, go on outings, have adventures, whatever . . . but she always wants more . . . except for when I say it is time to sit down and go over her homework. Then, suddenly, I am the last person she wants to see! Speaking of homework, I think I'll check and see how she is doing. She is hoping for more snow today so that she can go sledding, but homework and piano come first . . . and, I'm throwing in a rule for good attitude, too. So far, that is not improving much. She must need a reminder about the sledding. Act like poo, no sledding.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day Two of Blogging

Computers make me nuts. I'm not even sure this blog is live. I don't know if I did all the correct things to make it live. It doesn't really matter. I am entering my senior year courses for my bachelor's degree, and it has been recommended from day one that students journal daily. So, I thought I would try blogging now. I started to blog/journal on another blog source, but I wasn't happy with that one, so am trying this instead. I'm thinking that if I print out each of my posts, I can collect them in a binder and have that as my journal. I could add handwritten notes, pictures, cards, clippings, etc. Hmm. That could be fun.

Day two of blogging, and I'm 100%. Two for two. That's a record isn't it?

I'm trying to ignore my headache tonight, hoping it doesn't progress into a full-blown migraine. Since I've been on thyroid medication recently, I have noticed that, while I do still have migraines, I have fewer. I am so grateful for that.

MK is so sweet. She found a pair of down slippers at the Lighthouse Mission today. She knows that my feet are always so cold. She got them for me and now my feet are warm and toasty for the first time this winter. They were even the right size! She's showing signs of thoughtfulness, giving, and care-taking.

MK does not like oatmeal. I have tried many different ways of preparing the oatmeal so that she will eat it. The best I've done is load it with cooked apple chunks, sugar replacer, butter, cinnamon, maple syrup and honey -- all in one mixture. She will eat some that way, but no other way. Today I was out of the apples and the honey, but made it with the rest. No way. She refused to eat it. So, I used that mixture and made muffins. That she ate. She got her oatmeal. Camouflaged oatmeal. At least it didn't go to waste.

Yesterday, I asked MK to bring me her spelling book so I could check up on the work she has been doing. She went into a near panic . . . she had skipped some pages because she thought they were too hard (actually, to much trouble or work). She knows she is not to skip pages and that she should ask for help. So, I had to sit with her and go over the pages with her. Once she settled down and looked at the instructions more carefully, she did fine. She has a bad habit of looking at a page, seeing a lot of work and just thinking that's too hard and then doesn't even try. It is much easier to give up than to work through it. Bad habit. I try to help her with it by taking it one step at a time and not seeing the scary whole picture. But, she whines and puts up quite a show and at her age, that is getting a bit old and tired. I hope she outgrows this.

I start my new semester Monday. Only one day of freedom left. The break went by so quickly. I hope to graduate in 2010. I am already doing some freelance writing and have a contract with a greeting card company for the marketing of one of my poems. The marketing process could last up to two years. Let's hope it is much less time and that it is accepted. The pay for accepted work is very good. You sometimes have to throw a lot of stuff at the fan before any sticks. I only had to throw a little before they sent me a contract for marketing this one. They want me to write more, but I never have peaceful times or even the time to settle into the right attitude for this type of writing. This is something I hope to do a lot more of, especially after graduating. In the meantime the copywriting is helping to keep us in our house.

Time to go rest and try to conquer this headache.

Friday, January 23, 2009

where to begin

Well, that was easy. Setting up the blog was quite simple. Filling it with worthwhile words won't be so easy. Turning blogging into a habit -- even harder. Maybe, if I put the bobble-head Barry Manilow doll I got for Christmas here next to my screen, I could imagine that I am talking to him and then just blog away!

Yes, folks, that's right. I am a Barry Manilow fan. I began listening to Barry Manilow music way, way back in about 1800 something. (Actually, about 1976) That's right. That makes me an old fart. He is an even older fart. I have attended some of his concerts, sat in the front row, decorated his dressing room and had him engrave his autograph in two "One Voice" logo stained glass pieces I created for fundraising. R outbid everyone and bought them back; I have them in the windows of my piano teaching studio.

This morning MK and I attended our Friday morning Sr. Citizens' Writers' group. She is only 8 and has been a contributing member since she was four. They were skeptical the first time she came with me; but she was an angel and they readily accepted her and she has gone twice a month every month since.

MK has written poems and stories and reads them to the group. Visitors to the group raise their eyebrows when MK adds her comments and critique to the members when they read their stories; they soon learn that the members expect this from her. One member has just finished writing a play that she wrote with a part especially intended for MK. MK loves it and feels so honored.

The people in the group encourage her to write as often as she can. She has written several stories that came from her dreams. She sometimes wakes up ready to tell me her dreams, and we rush to the computer. She dictates, I type. Printing, and now cursive is too slow. Her typing is too slow. She is capable of all three, but her thoughts come too quickly for her current skill level. So, I type while she dictates. I try to leave everything as she says them, word for word with very little input from me. I only advise her of prominent grammar or structural problems. I want the story to remain hers. I feel if I import my thoughts or feelings, it will no longer be her story.

MK's method of writing inspired one of the men in the group who brought in a story today which he composed from a recent dream.

I didn't take any pieces of my own today. I seem to find little quiet time for reflection or any other kind of thinking that doesn't have to do with my copywriting job or my classwork. This old fart is working on her baccalaureate degree in professional writing. (I wonder if I'll live long enough to pay off the student loans.) I do find time to procrastinate.

MK is my niece. I am raising her. I practiced by raising my own daughter. I'm not sure I am getting it right this time, but the first one turned out pretty well. I have one grandson and two granddaughters. So far, they are pretty cool kids. They aren't perfect -- they're kids. But, they are kids that I can be very proud of. They are successful in just about everything they try. I actually do think they should have some failures so that they will know how to deal with failures in life; but they just keep being winners at everything. ;-)

I also have/had several piano students over the years and they all feel like grandchildren to me. They each have their places in my heart. The personalities are varied -- the tricks they try are old time, right out of the textbook. One seven-year-old recently tried everything she could to prolong, postpone, put off, dilly-dally -- whatever you want to call it -- and I told her what she was doing, and her eyes got big, she giggled, and asked, "How did you know?" Old farts are experts at prolonging, postponing, putting off and dilly-dallying. I know. I am one.

Squash Bloom

Squash Bloom
I found a new setting on my camera for shooting flowers!

Bean #1

Bean #1
So far, we have three bean pods. Bugs are eating the leaves.

Bean #2

Bean #2

Bean #3

Bean #3

Second Strawberry

Second Strawberry
The birds found the first strawberry (pictured yesterday) and ate right out of the center of it! This is a new one that showed up today. I'm sure it will be gone soon. We have buds for more.


Actually, squash, lettuce, flowers, and grass where we planted what were supposed to be flowers! This is what happens when children help you garden. But, the squash looks excellent!

Our Recession Garden & First Harvest

Our Recession Garden & First Harvest
These are the beautiful squash plants growing where we planted what the package said was FLOWERS! Actually, I think MK may have mis-labled them in the spring planter box we started everything in.


The peonies were beautiful only a few days before being ruined by rain.

Leaf Lettuce

Leaf Lettuce
Recovering from being beat down by rain

First Harvest from Recession Garden

First Harvest from Recession Garden
This is actually from a "thinning" of the garden.



One and Only Strawberry

One and Only Strawberry
The birds had not found this strawberry, and so far, it is the largest one we've ever had left on the vine.


We planted MANY onions, but this is the only patch growing well. We thin it to get our green onions and they are tasty!

Potato Plants

Potato Plants
They are growing like crazy!


Aren't the leaves pretty?

Potato Plant Blooms

Potato Plant Blooms
Pretty light purple with bright yellow centers. I've never seen any before.

Our First Recession Garden Salad

Our First Recession Garden Salad

First White Rose of Summer

First White Rose of Summer
This is the first bloom on the white rosebush this spring.

Max the Mouse

Max the Mouse
Max the Mouse in Cinderella, Cinderella

Sledding Fun

Sledding Fun


Another one bites the dust

More Sledding

More Sledding

Oh, that's gotta hurt!

Oh, that's gotta hurt!
And yet, another one bites the dust . . . er, snow.