Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Flippin' Cool Job

Today, I signed a new freelance contract for a flippin' cool job where I will be part of a transcribing team for work in the entertainment media. This appears to be a long-term position.

We create online transcription and sync to video software. The current project our team is to work on is 3300 old (very famous talk show host) Shows.

Future projects may include transcription for the Department of Justice (my legal secretary transcribing experience helped me get this job), and other TV shows that I know about, but I don't think I can list the titles since we have a confidentiality agreement. Believe me, though, it is exciting!

The only bad part, at this point, is that pay is always a month delayed. So, for instance, the end of this pay period will be the 15th, and I won't have much on it yet, AND I won't get paid for it until December 15. But, I'll manage somehow until then. There are two pay periods each month. Pay varies with the projects, but should pay okay.

MK and I have been doing a rather unusual job this week. On Monday we painted three street sign posts and the backs of stop signs and other signs, and today five more. We are painting these black, like Duke Energy did on the big street light poles. We are doing this for money to fill in the gap since I lost that last copywriting contract. I sure don't enjoy it. I don't like being that high on a ladder next to busy traffic in the dang wind. Money is money. The things we do to keep the utilities on or a roof over our heads.

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Squash Bloom

Squash Bloom
I found a new setting on my camera for shooting flowers!

Bean #1

Bean #1
So far, we have three bean pods. Bugs are eating the leaves.

Bean #2

Bean #2

Bean #3

Bean #3

Second Strawberry

Second Strawberry
The birds found the first strawberry (pictured yesterday) and ate right out of the center of it! This is a new one that showed up today. I'm sure it will be gone soon. We have buds for more.


Actually, squash, lettuce, flowers, and grass where we planted what were supposed to be flowers! This is what happens when children help you garden. But, the squash looks excellent!

Our Recession Garden & First Harvest

Our Recession Garden & First Harvest
These are the beautiful squash plants growing where we planted what the package said was FLOWERS! Actually, I think MK may have mis-labled them in the spring planter box we started everything in.


The peonies were beautiful only a few days before being ruined by rain.

Leaf Lettuce

Leaf Lettuce
Recovering from being beat down by rain

First Harvest from Recession Garden

First Harvest from Recession Garden
This is actually from a "thinning" of the garden.



One and Only Strawberry

One and Only Strawberry
The birds had not found this strawberry, and so far, it is the largest one we've ever had left on the vine.


We planted MANY onions, but this is the only patch growing well. We thin it to get our green onions and they are tasty!

Potato Plants

Potato Plants
They are growing like crazy!


Aren't the leaves pretty?

Potato Plant Blooms

Potato Plant Blooms
Pretty light purple with bright yellow centers. I've never seen any before.

Our First Recession Garden Salad

Our First Recession Garden Salad

First White Rose of Summer

First White Rose of Summer
This is the first bloom on the white rosebush this spring.

Max the Mouse

Max the Mouse
Max the Mouse in Cinderella, Cinderella

Sledding Fun

Sledding Fun


Another one bites the dust

More Sledding

More Sledding

Oh, that's gotta hurt!

Oh, that's gotta hurt!
And yet, another one bites the dust . . . er, snow.